Module for computing cell communities and region boundaries.
Access via either spatialcells.spatial
- spatialcells.spatial.assignPointsToRegions(anndata, boundaries_list, region_names, assigncolumn='region', default='BG')[source]
Assign points to regions based on the boundaries. The region assignment is based on the order of the boundaries, so the innermost region should be the first element of boundaries_list.
- Parameters:
anndata – Anndata object
boundaries_list – List of boundaries
region_names – List of region names. The order and length should match boundaries_list
assigncolumn – Column name for the region assignment
default – Default region name for points that are not assigned to any region
- spatialcells.spatial.estimateInitialDistance(adata, markers_of_interest, sampling_ratio=0.1)[source]
Use hierarchical clustering to get the checkpoints to estimate the distance parameter for density-based clustering algorithms, e.g., DBSCAN.
- Parameters:
adata – the anndata object
markers_of_interest – the list of marker names to subset the data
sampling_ratio – the sampling ratio to subsample the data
- Returns:
the list of distances
- spatialcells.spatial.getBoundary(anndata, communitycolumn, communityIndexList, alpha=100, debug=False)[source]
Get a boundary for the communities of interest as a Shapely MultiPolygon.
The boundary is defined based on the alpha shape of points in the communities. The alpha shape is the generalization of the convex hull, and is generated via Delaunay triangulation of all the points of interest. The alpha parameter controls the longest edge that can appear in the alpha shape. Smaller alpha gives more detailed boundary, but may appear more jagged and may leave out some points that are too far away from the rest of the points.
- Parameters:
anndata – the anndata object
communitycolumn – the column name of the community
communityIndexList – the list of community indexes
alpha – the alpha parameter for alpha shape. Smaller alpha gives more detailed boundary, but may appear more jagged.
debug – whether to return the polygons and edge components
- Returns:
the boundaries of components as a MultiPolygon object
- spatialcells.spatial.getCommunities(adata, markers_of_interest, eps, min_samples=20, newcolumn='COI_community', core_only=False)[source]
Get the communities of interest (COI) using DBSCAN
- Parameters:
adata – the anndata object
markers_of_interest – the list of marker names to subset the data
eps – the eps parameter for DBSCAN
min_samples – Minimum number of samples in each community
newcolumn – the column name of the community
- Returns:
the communities of interest (COI)
- spatialcells.spatial.getShrunkenBoundary(boundaries, offset=200)[source]
Shrink the boundary of the communities of interest. Wrapper of bufferBoundary with negative offset.
- Parameters:
boundaries – the boundaries of components
offset – the offset to shrink the boundary
- Returns:
the shrunken boundaries of components.
Utility functions
- spatialcells.spatial._utils.getAlphaShapes(points, alpha, debug=False)[source]
Compute the alpha shape of a set of points.
- Parameters:
points – np.array of shape (n,2) points.
alpha – alpha value.
- Returns:
set of (i,j) point pairs representing edges of the alpha-shape.
- spatialcells.spatial._utils.getComponents(boundary, keep_holes=True)[source]
Get the components of a boundary defined by a MultiPolygon.
- Parameters:
boundary – the boundary to get components from
keep_holes – whether to keep holes
- Returns:
a list of components, where each component is a MultiPolygon
- spatialcells.spatial._utils.getHoles(boundary)[source]
Get the holes within boundary components.
- Parameters:
boundary – the boundary to get holes from
- Returns:
a list of holes, where each hole is a MultiPolygon
- spatialcells.spatial._utils.pruneSmallComponents(boundary, min_area=0, min_edges=0, holes_min_area=0, holes_min_edges=0)[source]
Prune small components from a boundary defined by a MultiPolygon.
- Parameters:
boundary – the boundary to prune
min_area – the minimum area of a polygon component to keep
min_edges – the minimum number of edges of a polygon component to keep
holes_min_area – the minimum area of a hole to keep the hole
holes_min_edges – the minimum number of edges of a hole to keep the hole
- Returns:
the pruned boundary