@authors: Guihong Wan
@date: July 22, 2023
import scanpy as sc
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
def estimateInitialDistance(adata, markers_of_interest, sampling_ratio=0.1):
Use hierarchical clustering to get the checkpoints to estimate the distance parameter
for density-based clustering algorithms, e.g., DBSCAN.
:param adata: the anndata object
:param markers_of_interest: the list of marker names to subset the data
:param sampling_ratio: the sampling ratio to subsample the data
:returns: the list of distances
# get the subset data
assert len(markers_of_interest) > 0, "markers_of_interest is empty?"
condition = False
for target_marker in markers_of_interest:
condition = condition | (adata.obs[target_marker])
print(target_marker, "is not found.")
return None
adata_tmp = adata[condition]
assert (sampling_ratio >= 0) and (
sampling_ratio <= 1
), "sampling_ratio should be [0, 1]"
if sampling_ratio < 1:
sc.pp.subsample(adata_tmp, fraction=sampling_ratio, random_state=42)
X = adata_tmp.obs[["X_centroid", "Y_centroid"]].to_numpy()
# compute the distances
model = AgglomerativeClustering(
distance_threshold=0, n_clusters=None, compute_distances=True
model = model.fit(X)
print("Computing distances...")
nsamples = X.shape[0]
newnodes = []
layer = 0
distances = []
for i, item in enumerate(model.children_):
# print("i="+str(i)+":", item[0], item[1],"d:", model.distances_[i], "-->", nsamples+i)
newnodes.append(nsamples + i)
if (item[0] in newnodes) and (item[1] in newnodes):
# print("-------",layer, model.distances_[i])
newnodes = []
layer += 1
# print(min(model.distances_), max(model.distances_), np.median(model.distances_), np.mean(model.distances_))
return distances