Source code for spatialcells.spatial._utils

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import shapely
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from collections import defaultdict

def _bfsGetShortestRing(edge_dict, start_point):
    Given a set of edges, return the shortest ring starting from start_point.
    Helper function for `_getOrderedEdgeComponents`

    :param edge_dict: a dict of edges. key is a point; value = set(its neighbors)
    :param start_point: the starting point of the ring
    :returns: a list of points representing the shortest ring
    bfs_queue = [(start_point, [start_point])]
    while len(bfs_queue) > 0:
        cur_point, path = bfs_queue.pop(0)
        if cur_point == start_point and len(path) > 2:  # found ring
            return path[:-1]
        for neighbor in edge_dict[cur_point]:
            if neighbor not in path or (neighbor == start_point and len(path) > 2):
                bfs_queue.append((neighbor, path + [neighbor]))
    raise Exception("Open ring found")

def _getOrderedEdgeComponents(edges):
    Given a set of edges, return a list of ordered edge components
    Helper function for `getAlphaShapes`

    :param edges: np.array of shape (n,2) for n edges.
    :returns: a list of ordered edge components. Each component 
        is a np.array of shape (m,2) for m edges.

    # key is a point; value = set(its neighbors)
    edge_dict = defaultdict(set)
    for i in range(edges.shape[0]):
        edge_dict[edges[i, 0]].add(edges[i, 1])
        edge_dict[edges[i, 1]].add(edges[i, 0])
    edge_dict, components = _pruneTouchingComponents(edge_dict)
    cur_point = next(iter(edge_dict))
    ordered_edges = []
    not_visited = set(edge_dict.keys())
    while len(not_visited) > 0:
        next_point = None
        for point in edge_dict[cur_point]:
            if point in not_visited:
                next_point = point
                if len(edge_dict[cur_point]) == 0:
        if next_point is None:
            ordered_edges = []
            if len(not_visited) == 0:
            next_point = next(iter(not_visited))
        cur_point = next_point

    edge_components = []
    for component in components:
        component = np.stack([np.roll(component, 1), component], axis=1)
    return edge_components

def _getUniqueEdges(all_edges):
    Return the boundary of Delaunay represented by all_edges.
    Helper function for `getAlphaShapes`

    :param all_edges: np.array of shape (n,2) for n edges.
    :returns: np.array of shape (m,2) for m edges, where m <= n.
    all_edges = np.sort(all_edges, axis=1)
    unique_edges, counts = np.unique(all_edges, axis=0, return_counts=True)
    return unique_edges[counts == 1]

def _pruneTouchingComponents(edge_dict):
    Given ring components, separate touching rings by extracting the smallest rings.
    Helper function for `_getOrderedEdgeComponents`

    :param edge_dict: a dict of edges. key is a point; value = set(its neighbors)
    :returns: tuple of (edge_dict with touching components pruned, list of touching components)
    edge_dict = deepcopy(edge_dict)
    components = []
    touching_points = set()
    for point in edge_dict:
        if len(edge_dict[point]) > 2:
    while len(touching_points) > 0:
        cur_point = next(iter(touching_points))
        component = _bfsGetShortestRing(edge_dict, cur_point)
        for i in range(len(component)):
            j = (i + 1) % len(component)
        # separate loop to ensure all components are checked AFTER updating edge_dict
        for i in range(len(component)):
            if component[i] in touching_points and len(edge_dict[component[i]]) <= 2:
    new_edge_dict = {}
    for point in edge_dict:
        if len(edge_dict[point]) > 0:
            new_edge_dict[point] = edge_dict[point]
    return new_edge_dict, components

[docs] def getAlphaShapes(points, alpha, debug=False): """ Compute the alpha shape of a set of points. :param points: np.array of shape (n,2) points. :param alpha: alpha value. :returns: set of (i,j) point pairs representing edges of the alpha-shape. """ assert points.shape[0] > 3, "Need at least four points" # triangulate all points tri = Delaunay(points) pa = points[tri.simplices[:, 0]] pb = points[tri.simplices[:, 1]] pc = points[tri.simplices[:, 2]] a = np.sqrt((pa[:, 0] - pb[:, 0]) ** 2 + (pa[:, 1] - pb[:, 1]) ** 2) b = np.sqrt((pb[:, 0] - pc[:, 0]) ** 2 + (pb[:, 1] - pc[:, 1]) ** 2) c = np.sqrt((pc[:, 0] - pa[:, 0]) ** 2 + (pc[:, 1] - pa[:, 1]) ** 2) s = (a + b + c) / 2.0 area = np.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) # Computing radius of triangle circumcircle # circum_r = a * b * c / (4.0 * area + 1e-10) verts = tri.simplices[circum_r < alpha] # get edges that only appear once edges = _getUniqueEdges( np.concatenate([verts[:, [0, 1]], verts[:, [1, 2]], verts[:, [0, 2]]], axis=0) ) # order all edges edge_component_indices = _getOrderedEdgeComponents(edges) if debug: print("edge_component_indices:", len(edge_component_indices)) # points edge_components = [] for component in edge_component_indices: edge_components.append(points[component]) if debug: print(component.shape) return edge_components
[docs] def getComponents(boundary, keep_holes=True): """ Get the components of a boundary defined by a MultiPolygon. :param boundary: the boundary to get components from :param keep_holes: whether to keep holes :returns: a list of components, where each component is a MultiPolygon """ components = [] for geom in boundary.geoms: if keep_holes: if geom.geom_type == "Polygon": geom = MultiPolygon([geom]) components.append(geom) else: poly = Polygon(geom.exterior.coords) components.append(MultiPolygon([poly])) return components
[docs] def getHoles(boundary): """ Get the holes within boundary components. :param boundary: the boundary to get holes from :returns: a list of holes, where each hole is a MultiPolygon """ external_components = getComponents(boundary, keep_holes=False) external_boundary = shapely.unary_union(external_components) holes_multi = external_boundary - boundary if holes_multi.geom_type == "Polygon": holes_multi = MultiPolygon([holes_multi]) holes = getComponents(holes_multi, keep_holes=True) return holes
[docs] def pruneSmallComponents( boundary, min_area=0, min_edges=0, holes_min_area=0, holes_min_edges=0 ): """ Prune small components from a boundary defined by a MultiPolygon. :param boundary: the boundary to prune :param min_area: the minimum area of a polygon component to keep :param min_edges: the minimum number of edges of a polygon component to keep :param holes_min_area: the minimum area of a hole to keep the hole :param holes_min_edges: the minimum number of edges of a hole to keep the hole :returns: the pruned boundary """ polygons = [] for geom in boundary.geoms: holes_to_keep = [] for hole in geom.interiors: if ( Polygon(hole).area >= holes_min_area and len(hole.coords) - 1 >= holes_min_edges ): holes_to_keep.append(hole) if geom.area >= min_area and len(geom.exterior.coords) - 1 >= min_edges: polygons.append(Polygon(geom.exterior.coords, holes_to_keep)) return MultiPolygon(polygons)
# def getEdgesOnBoundaries(boundaries): # """ """ # points = [] # for boundary_set in boundaries: # for compt in boundary_set: # points.append(compt) # return np.concatenate(points) # def groupRemoveEdgeComponents(edge_components, nedges_min, nedges_out_min): # edge_components.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) # new_edge_components = [] # for comp in edge_components: # is_in_comp = -1 # for i, prev_comp in enumerate(new_edge_components): # # print(comp[0][0]) # if isInRegion(comp[0][0], prev_comp[0]): # is_in_comp = i # # print(i, comp.shape) # break # if is_in_comp != -1 and len(comp) >= nedges_min: # new_edge_components[is_in_comp].append(comp) # elif is_in_comp == -1 and (len(comp) >= nedges_out_min): # new_edge_components.append([comp]) # return new_edge_components # def isInRegion(point, boundary, debug=False): # """ # Check whether "point" is within the boundary. # """ # count = 0 # larger_y2_count = 0 # smaller_y2_count = 0 # # point = np.around(point, decimals=3) # point = np.array(point) # # print(point, point.shape, boundary, len(boundary)) # for pi, pj in boundary: # # pi = np.around(pi, decimals=3) # # pj = np.around(pj, decimals=3) # # if point is on the edge points, return True # if (point[0] == pi[0] and point[1] == pi[1]) or ( # point[0] == pj[0] and point[1] == pj[1] # ): # return True # # one of x values must be bigger than the point.x # # ignore other edges # if pi[0] >= point[0] or pj[0] >= point[0]: # cond1 = (pi[1] >= point[1]) and (pj[1] <= point[1]) # cond2 = (pi[1] <= point[1]) and (pj[1] >= point[1]) # if cond1 or cond2: # # if debug: print("dealing", pi, pj) # # if point and edge are on a horizantal line # if (point[1] == pi[1]) and (point[1] == pj[1]): # count += ret # # handles edge case of touching line segments / segments on a straight line # # if either x == point.x, let this point be x1. # elif pi[1] == point[1] or pj[1] == point[1]: # if debug: # print("touching") # if (pi[1] + pj[1]) / 2 > point[1]: # x2 larger # larger_y2_count += 1 # elif (pi[1] + pj[1]) / 2 < point[1]: # x2 smaller # smaller_y2_count += 1 # # # check if line segment intersects with point, (0, point.y). if so count += 1 # # # only check if the line segment is on the left side of the point and point between the two y values # # if (pi[1] < point[1]) != (pj[1] < point[1]) and (pi[0] < point[0] or pj[0] < point[0]): # else: # ret = isIntersect(point, (max(pi[0], pj[0]), point[1]), pi, pj) # if debug: # print("isIntersect", ret, pi, pj) # # if debug:print(point, (0, point[1])) # # if debug:print(pi, pj) # count += ret # # if debug: print("before:", count) # count += (larger_y2_count % 2) and (smaller_y2_count % 2) # if debug: # print( # "count:", # count, # "larger_y2_count", # larger_y2_count, # "smaller_y2_count", # smaller_y2_count, # ) # return (count % 2) != 0 # def getPolygons(boundaries): # polygons = [] # for boundary_set in boundaries: # external_boundaries = set(np.arange(len(boundary_set))) # internal_boundaries = defaultdict(list) # for i in range(len(boundary_set)): # for j in range(i + 1, len(boundary_set)): # pointi = boundary_set[i][:, 0, :] # pointj = boundary_set[j][:, 0, :] # polygoni = Polygon(pointi) # polygonj = Polygon(pointj) # if polygoni.contains(polygonj): # internal_boundaries[i].append(pointj) # external_boundaries.discard(j) # elif polygonj.contains(polygoni): # internal_boundaries[j].append(pointi) # external_boundaries.discard(i) # for external_boundary_idx in external_boundaries: # outer_points = boundary_set[external_boundary_idx][:, 0, :] # inner_points = internal_boundaries[external_boundary_idx] # polygon = Polygon(outer_points, inner_points) # polygons.append(polygon) # return polygons # def isCounterClockwise(A, B, C): # # if ABC is counterclockwise, then slope of AB less than AC # return (C[1] - A[1]) * (B[0] - A[0]) > (B[1] - A[1]) * (C[0] - A[0]) # def isIntersect(p1, p2, p3, p4): # """ # Checkswhether the line segment p1-p2 intersects with p3-p4, # assuming no colinear points # """ # return isCounterClockwise(p1, p3, p4) != isCounterClockwise( # p2, p3, p4 # ) and isCounterClockwise(p1, p2, p3) != isCounterClockwise(p1, p2, p4) # def PointsInCircum(eachPoint, r, n=100): # """ # Return n points within r distance from eachPoint # """ # return [ # ( # eachPoint[0] + math.cos(2 * math.pi / n * x) * r, # eachPoint[1] + math.sin(2 * math.pi / n * x) * r, # ) # for x in range(0, n + 1) # ] # def bufferPoints(inPoints, stretchCoef, n=100): # """ # Return n*len(inPoints) points that are within r distance of each point. # """ # newPoints = [] # for eachPoint in inPoints: # newPoints += PointsInCircum(eachPoint, stretchCoef, n) # # newPoints.append(np.array(PointsInCircum(eachPoint, stretchCoef, n))) # newPoints = np.array(newPoints) # return newPoints # def hasEdge(point, step, polygons): # grid_edges = Polygon( # [ # (point[0], point[1]), # (point[0] + step, point[1]), # (point[0], point[1] + step), # (point[0] + step, point[1] + step), # ] # ).boundary # for polygon in polygons: # if polygon.boundary.intersects(grid_edges): # return True # return False # def getBufferedBoundary(boundaries, offset=200, minsize=20): # """ """ # buffered_boundaries = [] # outer_multipolygon = Polygon() # inner_multipolygon = Polygon() # for boundary_set in boundaries: # for i, boundary in enumerate(boundary_set): # boundary_points = boundary[:, 0, :] # boundary_polygon = Polygon(boundary_points) # if i == 0: # outer_multipolygon = outer_multipolygon | boundary_polygon.buffer( # offset # ) # else: # inner_multipolygon = inner_multipolygon | boundary_polygon.buffer( # -offset # ) # s_boundary_polygons = outer_multipolygon - inner_multipolygon # if isinstance(s_boundary_polygons, MultiPolygon): # s_boundary_polygons = s_boundary_polygons.geoms # else: # s_boundary_polygons = [s_boundary_polygons] # for s_boundary_polygon in s_boundary_polygons: # for ring in [s_boundary_polygon.exterior] + list(s_boundary_polygon.interiors): # buffered_points = np.array(ring.coords) # if buffered_points.shape[0] < minsize: # continue # buffered_edges = np.stack( # [np.roll(buffered_points, -1, axis=0), buffered_points], axis=1 # ) # buffered_boundaries.append(buffered_edges) # # comp_polygons = getPolygons([buffered_boundaries]) # # return [buffered_boundaries], comp_polygons # buffered_boundaries_edge = getEdgesOnBoundaries([buffered_boundaries]) # return buffered_boundaries_edge, [buffered_boundaries]