Source code for spatialcells.spatial._assignPointsToRegions

import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from tqdm import tqdm
from ._utils import *

def assignPointsToRegion(
    anndata, multi_polygon, assigncolumn="region", target="target", donelist=[]
    Assign points to a region based on the boundaries. Points that are already assigned
    to a region in donelist will not be reassigned.

    :param anndata: Anndata object
    :param multi_polygon: MultiPolygon object of the region boundary
    :param assigncolumn: Column name for the region assignment
    :param target: Region name to assign to the points in the region
    :param donelist: List of region names that are already assigned and should not be reassigned
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = multi_polygon.bounds
    condition = (
        & (anndata.obs["X_centroid"] >= minx)
        & (anndata.obs["X_centroid"] <= maxx)
        & (anndata.obs["Y_centroid"] >= miny)
        & (anndata.obs["Y_centroid"] <= maxy)
    assign_subset = anndata.obs[condition][["X_centroid", "Y_centroid", assigncolumn]]
    assign_coords = assign_subset[["X_centroid", "Y_centroid"]].to_numpy()
    assign_points = MultiPoint(assign_coords)
    assign_region = assign_subset[assigncolumn].to_list()
    for i, point in tqdm(enumerate(assign_points.geoms)):
        if multi_polygon.contains(point):
            assign_region[i] = target
    anndata.obs.loc[condition, assigncolumn] = assign_region

[docs] def assignPointsToRegions( anndata, boundaries_list, region_names, assigncolumn="region", default="BG" ): """ Assign points to regions based on the boundaries. The region assignment is based on the order of the boundaries, so the innermost region should be the first element of boundaries_list. :param anndata: Anndata object :param boundaries_list: List of boundaries :param region_names: List of region names. The order and length should match boundaries_list :param assigncolumn: Column name for the region assignment :param default: Default region name for points that are not assigned to any region """ assert ( len(boundaries_list) > 0 ), "Length of boundaries_list should be greater than 0" assert len(boundaries_list) == len( region_names ), "Length of boundaries_list and region_names should match" anndata.obs[assigncolumn] = default anndata.obs[assigncolumn] = pd.Categorical( anndata.obs[assigncolumn], categories=region_names + [default], ordered=True ) for idx in range(len(boundaries_list)): assignPointsToRegion( anndata, boundaries_list[idx], assigncolumn, region_names[idx], donelist=region_names[:idx], ) print("Assigned points to region: " + region_names[idx])