Source code for spatialcells.spatial._getCommunities

import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

[docs] def getCommunities( adata, markers_of_interest, eps, min_samples=20, newcolumn="COI_community", core_only=False, ): """ Get the communities of interest (COI) using DBSCAN :param adata: the anndata object :param markers_of_interest: the list of marker names to subset the data :param eps: the eps parameter for DBSCAN :param min_samples: Minimum number of samples in each community :param newcolumn: the column name of the community :returns: the communities of interest (COI) """ # get cells of interest (COI) assert len(markers_of_interest) > 0, "markers_of_interest is empty?" condition = False for target_marker in markers_of_interest: try: condition = condition | (adata.obs[target_marker]) except: print(target_marker, "is not found.") return None adata_tmp = adata[condition] # call DBSCAN X = adata_tmp.obs[["X_centroid", "Y_centroid"]].to_numpy() db = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples, algorithm="kd_tree").fit(X) # assign labels labels = db.labels_ adata.obs[newcolumn] = -2 if core_only: core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype=bool) core_samples_mask[db.core_sample_indices_] = True labels[~core_samples_mask] = -3 adata.obs.loc[condition, newcolumn] = labels labels_sorted = [] # a list of (number of cells, cluster index) new_n_clusters_ = 0 # only count clusters of interest, i.e., # excluding noise (-1), not assigned (-2), and non-core (-3) n_clusters_ = len(set(labels) - {-1, -2, -3}) for i in range(n_clusters_): idx = labels == i npoints = sum(idx) if npoints > 0: labels_sorted.append((npoints, i)) new_n_clusters_ = new_n_clusters_ + 1 labels_sorted = sorted(labels_sorted, reverse=True) return labels_sorted, db